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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Condo Exterior -Wilderness Resort

Interior of Condo
A nice interior and a warm setting gets you back into a relaxing mode and away from the horrible threat of the city life which can make you wither like the dead yellow leaves in fall...
When I stayed here, I just didn't want to come back home.. It was soooOOO comfortable and lots of fun with the family. Who said interior design does not make all the difference!!
Interior Wave Pool
Wave pools, babes in bikinis and a nice tan is my ideal of a quick get away in Wisconsin Dells in the end of October..!!
A few killer drinks of mexican tequilla and your off to a Hawaiin type vacation..
Can't wait to the ski season starts...and then the Jacuzzi to recover...
Mediums: Prism Markers and Micron pen....
A few killer drinks of mexican tequilla and your off to a Hawaiin type vacation..
Can't wait to the ski season starts...and then the Jacuzzi to recover...
Mediums: Prism Markers and Micron pen....
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Prentice Womens Hospital
In downtown Chicago.. I was impressed with the setting. .So I said what the heck lets capture what I see.. and also, this is where I had my little boy.
As of today, I noticed that the trees are starting to turn yellow from the top. Fall is near and the leaves later on will eventually fall off from trees, like the sheep who was shaved for his hide to bare bones. eNJOY!
As of today, I noticed that the trees are starting to turn yellow from the top. Fall is near and the leaves later on will eventually fall off from trees, like the sheep who was shaved for his hide to bare bones. eNJOY!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ohare Airport Terminal
Friday, September 4, 2009
One Chicago Busy Intersection

Clark & Ontario looking south bound on Clark St. is one of the busiest intersections in Chicago.
On that same corner you have the largest McDonald in terms of square feet in the US. Also Hard Rock Cafe, Rain forest for kids and one of my favorites Portillos on the right by the pots...
3:30 PM- Sun is hitting east bound from the West.
Great intersection if you need a bite...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hollywood Theater

This is the coolest theater near Chicago.. You can eat and watch a movie all at the same time.. Every theater has a different theme and they all look cool.
PS. The food is great... Off of Lemont rd on I55 S. in Woodridge, IL
Click Below:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hyatt Center

Located on Franklin & Monroe in downtown Chicago. Knowing your markers is not just essential but critical to the success of your rendered color illustration. It takes a while to get to know them all. Week after week I continue to stock up and purchase Prism Markers.. Although I'm starting to enjoy and be interested in Copic Sketch Markers made in Japan.. ( A top of the line marker in the industry)...
This is the difference between a Mercedes and a BMW !
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
McCormick Place (West)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Shadows in the City
Monday, August 24, 2009
Chicago River View Off Canal St.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Adler Planetarium
Friday, August 21, 2009
High-Rise Under Thunderstorm

Around 9:00pm Thursday evening, Chicago had severe dark-dark blue clouds hovering all over downtown.. It was awesome and very rare.
As I was dropping off a customer in the south loop area, I noticed about 4-6 layers of assorted color spectrum's bouncing off this particular high-rise near Roosevelt & Columbus.
I knew that If I didn't sketch & render this, I would never see it again! This rendering captures the spirit and feeling of that particular 25 minute brief moment!
By the time I was done with the sketch, the yellow streaks were all gone..
The yellow vertical streaks are accurate and I have no idea where they would come from. I see this building every day and it has NEVER had any yellow streaks what so ever !!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mariott Hotel-
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wrigley Bldg

I dropped off a customer here the previous day and had to stop. This bldg is secluded in Chicago's industrial sector between Division St. and North Ave off of Hooker street.. I was impressed with the setting. Intend to return and sketch the front of building.
Prism Markers and .45 mm Micron pen used as medium...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Airport Ramp
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Field Museum Aug 14th, 09

8th color rendering.---
Located On Mcfectridge drive. If anyone lives outside Chicago this is one of our greatest museums.
Located in the Museum campus area.. Typical summer August day, nice and sunny with a bright blue cloud. This is a view from the cab stand.. You'll never have a issue finding a cab in this area before 6pm 7 days a week.
Sketched with Micron .45mm line width black pen and Prism markers..
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fountain -Chicago River Aug 13th 09

Prism Markers are still difficult to manipulate.. Professionals who can render easily with this medium are highly experienced.. This is probably the toughest medium I've had to work with...
Now the trick is to bring true vivid reality to all my renderings as they are seen! I am looking down into the river below as you see it from Wacker Dr.
Downtown Chicago Bldg- Unknown Aug 12th, 09
Post Office-Thompson Center Aug-12th, 09
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Chicago Skyline Aug 05th, 2009

Awesome skyline.. I like the sailboats.. But need to find the right colors to represent true Lake Michigan water which is not really all that blue... Its somewhat greenish..But this sketch is cool in my opinion.. I don't have all the color prism markers yet! PS. When I match this clouding to the skies its almost identical..
Rosemont Suburb Aug 06th, 09

I sketched less and rendered more on this one.. But something is still missing here and I don't know what it is...Do you like it? Less Scrabble . Its tough getting use to these markers.. Too many colors involved. I need to focus on technique more in regards to color.. Got a long way to go!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Buddhist Tempo Aug 3rd, 09
Condo & Star Bucks Augst 4th , 09

When I was driving I had to stop.. Interesting structure... Well I'm doodling along and I'm trying to get loose with my micron pens...
I think its coming back.. Realize I haven't sketched in about a decade!
Oh! I temporarily stink with little people and cars.. Watch out for those improvements... Let me know if you like this one? I did....
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Taco Bell -Chicago Aug 1st, 09
Chicago Bears Stadium Aug 1st, 09

Mcfetridge Dr. Going EB into Museum campus.
SE view of Soldier Field --Home of Chicago Bears Football team!
I'm realizing that working with these markers is some what time consuming. Every detail is manipulated and controlled carefully so as to try and illustrate the closest thing to reality...
Practice makes perfect !
Mart Interior Lobby Aug 1st, 09
Soldier Field-Bears Stadium Aug 1st, 09
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Lincoln Park Zoo-Cow Barn June 21st , 09
Shed Acquarium Int View- June 14th, 09

Wow,, this was my very first sketch I did this summer.. This is where it all started for me this summer.. Something natural just hit me.. I was totally stunned that I got the spirit of this sketch.. and the right angles on the canopy like spaceship top.. I would love to return and render this in color!
Too bad Bubba is dead.. For those of you who never met Bubba.. Bubba was a gigantic fish that was left in front of the Shed Aquarium steps and later discovered to be an exotic species. I've seen Bubba for the last 30 years of my life since I was a child. Well he's important, since he was the first fish to be treated with Chemo therapy and it was a huge success...
Click Here for Bubbas Info: http://www.sheddaquarium.org/bubbasupergrouper.html
Wacker View June 17th, 09

Warming up here...needs improvement...The NBC tower is extremely difficult for me to sketch..
Too much going on all at once and it all just overwhelmed me.. I will try this same view much later after I warm up with twenty or so more sketches.
The left side is the back-rear of the University Of Chicago Business school.. Look at the other U of C sketch..
Various Highrises June 24th, 09

Looking EB on Wacker Dr. I did not like this sketch what so ever .. Not successful.. The only thing I like about it was the new technique I toyed with on the horizontal clouding ..
Keep in mind I recently started sketching again after 10 yrs !...
Look at the date and as you scroll down other sketches paying attention to the dates you can see partial improvement...
Jury Duty 26th & California June 26th, 09

Wow, this sketch surprised the heck out of me.. I took 4 separate illustrations to come up with one complete sketch.. Guys, realize I have not sketched in years since the good old college days.
I think this one is getting up the college standards for now.. I like the interior perspective , the whole sketch is holistic as they all depict the setting and mood of Jury Duty
Gosh , I will never forget this event, this trial was a life changing event for me.. I was stuck in this place for an entire week on a murder trial.. Learned a lot about crime and legal punishment.. So be good!
Raffaello Hotel July 11th, 09

I really didn't like how this sketch turned out... This has too much of a birds eye view and I was on at eye level of stuff..
Gosh the left side with the balconies were extremely hard to sketch.. I realized that when you look at this from underneath, looking up,,, all the balconies will be different sizes as they go up....
This is one of the sharp things you have to have a keen eye for or you will distort the balconies and eliminate its perspective as they get higher.
Bad sketch but I learned something important about balconies !!
Near Hard Rock Hotel July 13th, 09

Looking EB on Wacker Pl.. Hard Rock hotel is on the right. But no special emphasis is placed on the hotel. I was interested in capturing the essence of the street.. I used a light blue color marker on the left as my first introduction to using markers as a medium technique.. I like it ? What about you? I used a different pen that seems to bold the light poles.... Nice one point perspective.
Hilton Suites July 14th, 09
University Of Chicago -Business School July 14th, 09

Tuff Sketch!. ----Too much detail on building and I had lots of trouble trying to figure out where in the world I would start without goofing it up.. I am definitely eager to return and revisit this and render it in color.
For now, this two point perspective was good in my opinion but I have lots of improvement to go.... Let me know what you think.?
Hotel Entrance July 19th, 09
Navy Pier July 22nd, 09
Vignettes July 15th, 09
Navy Pier July 20th, 09
Scientology Church- July 21st, 09

Getting the correct angles on the metal beams was challenging. This sketch was done in various weights of micron pens.. Something new I tried. I think I like these pens.... All my ink pen sketches were done prior to any marker rendering.. I dabbled by adding a light gray on the windows.. I will revisit this building and sketch other sections of it at a later date..
Museum Campus Area July 22nd, 09

2nd color rendering with Prismacolor markers-- Clouding still difficult had to buy other blue colors to create a more natural realistic look. I stroked horizontal versus diagnal. I would say it looks more natural.
This rendering illustrates the most recent addition to the Shedd Acquarium where the dolphins and beluga whales. I'll be rendering more of this later...
Also starting to get use to various colors for trees..
Museum Campus View- June 25, 09

I've rendered with various other mediums, such as pencil, charcoal, pastels, color pencils, ink pen etc.
The markers will take some getting use to. Overall I think it looks descent but I have to admit the sky is too blue and it appears that its might be taking away from the drawing altogether.. I'm trying to figure out how to render clouds.. As you see my progress you will see my clouding get better.
Fair start I might say for now!
Sketchy Rick
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